Color Consulting
CyberChrome provides professional consulting time on a wide variety of color topics to all type industries and color applications. We are not limited to users of the CyberChrome, Inc. color software platform, nor are we limited to any specific brand of instrumentation. Our staff has many years of color experience covering all kinds of applications in many diverse industries. Our area of expertise ranges from computerized color formulation systems to fundamental quality control systems necessary to meet ISO requirements. We have assisted many companies in helping define those areas critical for ISO certification.
- Are you considering updating your current color systems?
- Purchasing your initial system?
- Do you need to communicate color data around the world?
- Do you need better definition of your existing color tolerances?
- Do you need to establish color tolerances?
Additional consulting topics:
- Managing a color compliance program.
- Establishing a realistic Color Specification.
- Managing your Color Standards.
- Choosing a Color Tolerance that agrees with visual assessment.
- Color Formulation—how to get better matches in fewer hits.
- Optimizing your Colorant Database for improved accuracy.
- Raw Material evaluation.
- Visual Color Evaluation, Color Lighting Requirements.
- Color Instrumentation, Instrument Geometry, Inter-Instrument Agreement, Sample Presentation Techniques.