Color Software Upgrades
Software upgrades provide the user with the newest features, compatibility with Windows 7, 8 & 10 and latest advances in color software technology. Instrument Performance and Profiling are built right into the upgrade. These features can save you thousands of dollars each year on instrument service and are worth the price of the upgrade alone!
Download the OnColor Version 6 brochure for a description of all the additions and changes to Version 6. CyberChrome will be happy to show you the latest feature changes available on the new release versions in an online webinar.
CyberChrome makes color software upgrades easy. Virtually all versions are file compatible—meaning no previously measured data is lost due to software incompatibility that is common when changing and/or upgrading with other color packages. Upgrading provides your organization with the latest features available and provides all additional software upgrades published within this release generation free-of-charge.
CyberChrome offers software license upgrades to their current versions of color QC and color formulation software. Users of any CyberChrome, Inc. color platforms (OnColor™, Spectramagic™, SpectraQC™, SpectraMatch™, AutoQC®, CyberSoft™; and ColorSoft®) are eligible to upgrade to the latest version of OnColor™ with similar GUI’s (Graphic User Interface).
- All upgrade version(s) require Software License Key exchange.
- Software upgrade pricing is subject to change.
- Both on-line and on-site training packages are available at additional costs.
Contact Us for pricing and any questions you may have concerning your current version of software or questions on how CyberChrome can tailor a software upgrade to fit your needs.