Color Seminar
Color Seminars can be arranged in one or two-day sessions that address general color theory and/or color topics that are customized to the specific color applications of the client company. Specific topics such as the fundamentals of a good color compliance program, technical aspects of color formulation, sample presentation for instrumental measurement, instrumental measurement, color tolerancing, and visual color analysis can be blended into a comprehensive color seminar tailored to the client's products.
- Basic color theory as applied to the client’s products.
- Requirements for the correct visual evaluation of color.
- Developing specifications for instrumental color measurement.
- Defining and implementing written color specifications.
- Establishment of color tolerances.
- The effects of gloss and texture on color.
- Guidelines for comparison of color data provided by “brand-different” instruments.
- Computerized color formulation and color control of the production batch.
- How to optimize your colorant database for fewer hits and better accuracy.
The seminar is presented at the client location and an initial consultation with the client organization is required in order to customize the presentation to the client's needs.