Color QC and Matching Blog

Installing OnColor Color Software under Windows 7 and Vista - Part 2

Posted by Myron Langer on Mon, Apr 30, 2012

When installing the OnColor color QC and formulation software under Windows 7 or Vista, there are some settings in the operating system that should be noted.

The default setting in Windows 7 allows for the computer to “sleep” or hibernate after a preset interval of inactivity. This disables power to the USB ports and causes a lost communications error to occur. When the power to the USB port is turned off, OnColor can no longer read the hardlock key and a software Protection Violation occurs.  It may look like this:

 Protection Violation

This can be annoying for the operator because you will need to unplug the hardlock key and re-establish communications with the key.  To prevent this from happening, click on the [START] button on the lower left of your desktop. Then, select as follows:

 Control Panel

└―—> Hardware & Sound

     └―—> Power Options

             └―—> Change Plan Settings

 The following dialog box will be displayed where you can change these settings:

Display Settings Win7

Note: You can set [Turn off the display] to any value that is desired. [Put the computer to sleep] must be set to [Never].


Select [Save changes]to save this as the default setting.


Tags: OnColor, color computer, Vista, Windows 7, Product Information