Much of this blog series has been focused on the instrument and getting the best possible inter-instrument agreement. However, we can’t forget the basics of good practice in color measurement when it comes to sample presentation. Some types of samples can be very repeatable to present to the instrument, while others pose more challenges.
Color QC and Matching Blog
Tags: color tolerances, electronic color standards, color matching, color standard, inter-instrument agreement, translucency, color spectrophotometer, spectrophotometer
Tip #7 – Sharing the Data for Electronic Color Standards
While sharing the data for electronic color standards may seem like a “no brainer”, it’s easy to fall into the trap of making the assumption that the person at the receiving end of the data knows how it was obtained and how to use it. So here are some best practices to follow to make things go smoothly.
Tags: electronic color standards, OnColor, standard observer, illuminant, color space, global color communication
Tags: color tolerances, electronic color standards, instrument profiling, inter-instrument agreement
With today’s increasingly tight color tolerances and a global supply chain, it’s getting tougher to meet color specifications and tolerances. How can you be assured that when you certify instrumental color data, you can do so with confidence?
Tags: color tolerances, electronic color standards, spectrophotometer diagnostics, global color communication
What is Inter-Instrument Agreement? Should I care? How do you determine it? How do I know what my numbers are? Can I measure it myself?
Tags: electronic color standards, color standard, instrument profiling, inter-instrument agreement, color spectrophotometer, spectrophotometer